
Advanced Diploma

Diploma in IT, Networking and Cloud

In this Diploma in IT, Networking and Cloud, the trainee is trained on Five Core modules each of 320 hours duration in first year. Each Core module contains professional skill & professional knowledge. In addition to this, the trainee is entrusted with the project work and extracurricular activities to build up confidence. In second year there are three electives where trainee has to select any of two elective modules, each module containing 320 hours duration with total duration of 640 hours. The trainee will be trained Industry for 800 hours (as a part of onthe-job training). There will be a common subject for all Diploma courses on Employability Skills which will be for 160 hours in second year.

Admission Status - Session 2022-24
Sl.No. Trade Seats Admitted Vacancy
1 IBM 30 23 07

The module wise course coverage is categorized as below:-

Core Module 1 (Computer Hardware Maintenance): In this module the trainee will learn

• Safety on handling hand tools                                                                  

• Disassemble and assemble Personal Computer (PC)                       

• Troubleshoot Input and Output devices of PC,                                       

• Using cables and connectors effectively.                                                 

• Install operating systems Windows and Linux                                           

• Manage files effectively in Windows and Linux environment.                   

• Create document, spread sheets and make presentations using open office.                                                                                                           

• Customize PC in Windows and Linux environment.                                 

• Will manage Device manager and Task manager in Window/Linux environment                                                                                                 

• Secure PC with antivirus, maintain Hardware components of PC.

Core Module 2 (Computer Networking) : In this module the trainee will learn

• Basic computer network technology                                                          • Data Communications System and its components                                  • Types of network topologies and protocols.                                                • Enumerate the layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP                                  • Explain the function(s) of each layer.                                                        • Identify the different types of network devices and their functions within a network                                                                                                     • Understand and build the skills of sub netting and routing mechanisms. • Understand the basic protocols of computer networks, and how they can be used to assist in network design and implementation.                            • Understand Client server concepts.

Core Module 3 (Web Designing) : In this module the trainee will learn

• How to create simple web pages using HTML 5                                        • Create Styles of web pages using CSS                                                    • Create own account in cloud and launch and track no. of visitors            • Host in Amazon web server                                                                       • Embedded database with different web pages using Mongo DB             • Design and develop dynamic websites with PHP                                     • Make websites, web servers, game frameworks, desktop and CLI (Command Language Interpreter) applications, and IDE using Python.

Core Module 4 (Web Development) : In this module the trainee will be able to •

Create an interactive website using any of the mentioned development language.

• Integrate application with database.                                                          • Create multimedia applications by using authoring tools                          • Gain familiarity with a very convenient, flexible server-side language: PHP along with front end scripting language HTML 5 and CSS.                 • Get exposed to programming concepts of JAVA.                                     • Use of HTML and CSS for structuring and styling of the webpage.          • Enhance their build website by storing and using customer data to generate dynamic page content using PHP.


Contact details

Phone: 0291-2741089, 2980642





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